The first painting Autumn Barn was sold to new collector Ms. Rose Briand of Buckhorn, Ontario. The second in the series is Winter Barn and it is a work in progress (see my post on 27 April 2010), the fourth one is Spring Barn which I will post tomorrow.
The barn had been covered with masking tape to protect the white paper before the sky was wet and painted.

The sky was put in using French ultramarine blue at the top and blending in Antwerp blue leaving some areas of white for clouds and raw sienna down by the horizon line to give it the warm hazy feeling of a hot summer afternoon.
The grass base for the pasture was washed in using mixtures of French ultramarine blue, Antwerp blue and raw sienna. The distant trees, under painting for the foreground tree leaves and shadows were a darker mixture of the same colours.
The shadows on the barn were indicated using a mixture of French ultramarine blue with a little bit of burnt sienna to grey it.
As I do more work on this painting I will post it at a later date.