Today I am working on three paintings and will be experimenting with plastic wrap and the effects that can be created.
In separate containers I mixed a dark of French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna, new gamboge as a yellow, and a green of Antwerp blue and raw sienna.
The paper was wet thoroughly and the yellow was poured on in a couple of areas, then the green was poured onto the paper, and the remaining white spaces were filled with the dark mixture.

Once the paint has dried the plastic wrap was carefully removed and set aside.
The yellow shapes reminded me of the local water lilies, and the green seemed similar to the lily pads.
I added a touch of burnt sienna to the new gamboge and painted the shadows onto the lily petals. The added a touch of alizarin crimson and painted in the stamens on the inside of the flower.
Then I added some French ultramarine blue to the green mixture and painted in some of the shadows on the lily pads.