First I had to go to Keene to hang the Outdoor Painters' Group show at the MacKelvie Gallery, at the Lang Pioneer Village,Museum, which will run from 05 August - 03 October.
From there I had to go to the KAGS and sit the final day of the People, Places and Things Show and take down the paintings.
I worked on this painting while I was there. It is almost finished and I will post it at a later date when it is completed.

On my way home I had to pick up paintings from one of the new members of the Buckhorn Artists' Group, Carol Francisco as due to prior commitments she was unable to be there this week.
Then finish loading my paintings into the Blazer to take up to St. Matthew's Church in Buckhorn to set up the panels for our 19th annual Shades of Summer Art Show with the Buckhorn Artists' Group
Right now I am going to put my feet up and relax for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow is another day of hanging paintings and completing the final preparations for our show.