For this class we changed our blue from French ultramarine blue to Antwerp blue for most of the paintings and added alizarin crimson for a red.

Pink Sky 1
After wetting the paper we washing in alizarin crimson into the sky leaving some areas of white and with horizontal strokes brushed it into the snow covered area.
Using a wash of Antwerp blue we brushed a little of it into the still wet pink of the sky and into the snow.
Antwerp blue and a little burnt sienna were used for the background treeline which was painted in without a lot of detail.
Using a slightly darker mix of Antwerp blue and burnt sienna the closer foreground trees were indicated.

Dawn 2
For the second morning sky we painted in first a wash of alizarin crimson and then adding a little more colour painted in the darker red into the bottom of the sky.
Using Antwerp blue with a little burnt sienna to grey the colour slightly, the lighter clouds were brushed into the sky. As the paper was drying a little more burnt sienna was added to the pale grey wash and darker stronger coloured clouds were painted into the top of the sky having a little more substance than the lighter clouds.

Out of the Fog 1
For the final painting we changed the blue from Antwerp blue to Cobalt blue for a fog scene. The trees were drawn in lightly and eventually a very pale wash of cobalt blue will be brushed onto the paper.
I will post these paintings at a later date as they are completed.