I pulled out this painting that I had started a number of years of years ago (see post on 24 November 2014) and thought I would like to work on something bright and colourful to match my mood.

While the paint was still wet, I used a mixture of French ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson to paint in the evening clouds at the top of the sky.
Next I used new gamboge; I darkened the sky just above the horizon line.
I darkened the sky colour with a little bit of alizarin crimson and painted the sky reflection below the horizon line leaving some areas of white for the crests of the waves.
To this mix I added some cadmium yellow and put in the middle area of the water.
Lastly, using burnt sienna and raw sienna I put in the sandy shore.
I will post this painting at a later date once I decide on the colour of the water against the shore and place the people on the beach.