I thought it would make an interesting painting and when I returned home I decided to work on recreating that moment.

First I wet the paper and put in the open areas of sky using cobalt blue.
Next I added a small amount of burnt sienna to the blue and put in the shadows on the clouds leaving the edges near the sky without paint.
For the frozen lake I added a little more cobalt blue to the shadow mixture and brushed it in with horizontal strokes leaving a few small white areas of sunlit snow.

Lastly, I painted in the shoreline on the far side of the frozen lake with a mixture of French ultramarine blue and raw sienna.
If you would like more information about ACEO please go to my post on 11 March 2010.
The ACEO shown here is an original watercolour painting using Artist quality Windsor & Newton paint on 140lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper. It is priced at $20.00 and sold unframed.