They were a wonderful Group to speak with and asked a wide variety of questions about watercolour painting, the differences between watercolour and other media.
I took a number of paintings for them to see from in various styles and sizes, from sketches, the transferred drawing and through the various stages of painting to the completed piece of art.
I would like to thank Ms. Jewell Allington on her selection of Blue Maple (see post on 15 August 2010) for her art collection.

When I returned home in the afternoon I wanted to start working on one of the sketches I did earlier this year when we went on the Stoney Lake Boat Cruise (see post on 29 August 2015) and develop it into a painting.
Once I was pleased with the sketch I transferred the boat onto a piece of watercolour paper.
I lightly sketched in a couple of islands that would be found on Stoney Lake and added the main waves by the boat.
Next I used a liquid masking fluid and cover the boat to protect it while I painted in the background.
I will post this piece at a later date once more work on it has been completed.