I started by lightly sketching in a large semi abstract flower at the bottom right side of the paper.
From there, I added another flower on the left side, finishing slightly above the middle of the paper.
Above these two flowers I added two smaller partially opened flowers, leaving some open space at the top and on the right side of the paper.
Using alizarin crimson with a small amount of the blue I painted in some areas of the petals.
Adding varying amounts of Cobalt blue and alizarin crimson together I indicated the edges of petals and the shadows.
I left areas of the white paper for the highlights.
Using various mixtures of Cobalt blue, French ultramarine blue, raw sienna, new gamboge and aureolin I painted in the various leaves and stems.
Lastly, with burnt sienna and raw sienna I put in the stamens on the larger flower at the bottom of the painting and a few on the middle sized flower on the left side.
This original 11" x 15" watercolour painting once it has been framed, will be available for $295.00.