It is from these sketches I get ideas for paintings and develop them further; sometimes I will combine more than one sketch into a finished piece.

Horse Sketches XI
For most of them they will be normal horses in various natural landscape settings. Others I may decide to add wings and turn them in to a Pegasus, change them into Unicorns or Carousel Horses.
It all depends on my mood and where my imagination takes me at the time.

Horse Sketches XII
I may also change them into any colour breed.
Add spots and I can have an Appaloosa, patches and depending on the body type it could be a Pinto or a Paint.

Horse Sketches XIII
The pieces shown here are original pen and ink drawings and are available matted and shrink wrapped for $25.00 each.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork. I hope you will return often.