Lately, there have been lots of little birds and today was no exception, I had Tree Sparrows, Chipping Sparrows, Fox Sparrows and Song Sparrows and White Crowned Sparrows in addition to the many Chickadees, Dark-Eyed Juncos, Goldfinch, Red Polls and Purple Finches.
While sitting at small table near the window I thought I may as well do something productive and I started to work on this drawing that I had started a while ago (see posts on 11 June 2015 and 01 January 2017).

I had pulled out a couple of photographs of the birch trees by Cabin 5 at the Knoepfli Inn in Magnetawan and started adding some of the birch trees from there onto on each side of the three trees in the drawing.
I finished the birch trees to the left side of the original trees and am pleased with the results.
I will post this drawing at a later date once all the birch trees have been completed.