The first thing I saw as we turned into the driveway was a peacock walking across the road; needless to say I grabbed my camera and took a picture.
I later learned from the owners that they had eight peafowl on the property but the peahens had already gone to ground and wouldn't appear until after the eggs had hatched.

The farm was a treasure trove of opportunities for paintings and I spent most of the morning taking photographs and making a few quick sketches.
The original barn was built in 1813 and the original section of the stone house was built in 1821 and various additions were added at later times.
There were many wondrous things hidden in and among the flower gardens surrounding the house which also had an enchanting natural stone slab set of stairs leading up to one of the additions.

After taking many reference photographs of the building, gardens, livestock and farm equipment I settled down to work on a painting.
Just before lunch time it started to cloud over and when I went back to do more work on my painting it wasn't long before the first few drops of rain started to fall.
I will post this painting at a later date once it has been completed.