We had two different displays set up. The first one was of various carved decoys, some painted and some plain. The second one was of various wooden carvings, bowls and buckets.
I chose to do the one with the carved decoys. I liked the two that were unpainted of a goose and a duck. I added the small painted mallard to the drawing a little later.
When the drawing was completed I used liquid friskit to mask out the decoys.

Once that was dry I used various mixes of cadmium yellow, raw sienna, Antwerp blue and French ultramarine blue to put in the background behind the decoys.
With a pale wash of both blues I indicated the water at the base of the birds.
Using raw sienna I started painting the goose first, gradually building up layers of colour to give the decoy shape.
I will post this painting at a later date once I have completed the goose decoy.