I wanted more blue in the main area of the sky and painted it in using French ultramarine blue and titanium white with a touch of cadmium yellow.
There was just too much sky in the trees on the right so with various mixes of French ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, raw sienna, cadmium yellow and alizarin crimson I put in more of the green tree leaves, leaving just small holes where the sky would be peeking through the foliage.
I also added a little of the new greens to the left side and into the bottom to keep everything united.

It was time to put in the brighter oranges of the maple trees on both sides of the painting and into the foreground area using various mixtures of cadmium red, cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson and raw sienna.
Using the ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and alizarin crimson I made a dark to put in the various tree trunks the were showing through the leaves and added a dead tree into the painting to break up the all the vertical trees from looking like a row of soldiers.
Using various mixtures of alizarin crimson, titanium white, and cobalt blue I put in the highlights on the dark tree trunks and the shadows onto the birch trees.
This original 8" x 10" acrylic painting when framed will be available for $125.00.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork.