We went up a different channel and found a quiet spot where Ron could fish and I had plenty of things to draw.
I had barely started my drawing before Ron caught a perch, which made him happy as last year he didn't catch anything when we were here last year.
After I removed the fish from the hook and carefully released it back into the lake I returned to my drawing.

It wasn't long before he caught another perch (but not the same one) and I returned it back into the lake.
Once more I returned to my drawing and this time, I managed to get a lot more work on it completed before he caught a large mouthed bass and we went through the same routine again.
I did a little more work on my drawing before Ron decided he wanted to explore the lake and see what other fishing spots he could find.
It was an enjoyable afternoon and I took many photographs of the islands, shoreline and some of the boats out on the lake. Giving myself a lot of reference materials for future paintings.