Now it was time to start painting in the wine to complete the first decanter.
Using mixtures of new gamboge, alizarin crimson, raw sienna, burnt sienna and French ultramarine blue I started below the front edge of the wine in the darkest area and as I worked down toward the bottom of the decanter the colour lightened slightly and become more dark amber and the areas of reflected colour from the plate and a few reflections from the lights were left untouched.

With a slightly more red mix the top surface of the wine was painted in leaving areas of colour where the plate and lights were reflected onto the surface. The area to the left side had only a pale wash of alizarin crimson on it with a few spots of pure white showing the reflections from the lights and the silver goblet.
Now that the wine decanter was completed it was time to take a break and I will post this painting again once I start on the water decanter.
I would like to thank long time collector Mme. Cecile Desrochers of Ste-Ramon, Quebec on her purchase of Dixon Cove Wreck I and II (see posts on 23 April, 22 July and 27 November 2012).
Thank you for looking at my artwork.