Since the Gallery is closed on Monday and Tuesday other than for workshops and studios we decided to set up our displays this morning and do any of the finishing tomorrow if needed.
Emil Varga was there with me in the morning and we spoke with Daniel on the telephone to decide how we would set up the Gallery space.
Daniel wanted to set up his grids in the centre of the Gallery space and Emil preferred to have the long wall and I wanted my space in the "cubby hole" at the front end of the Gallery.

The remaining space would be divided between Daniel and I, with him taking the short back wall and half of the wall opposite Emil's artwork.
After bringing in my paintings, table and display racks, I went got two sets of panels to cover the pipes in the cubby hole and the and another set of panels to cover the heat ducts in the other corner.
I started with the short wall by the stairs and hung the large painting of the Belgian, followed by two pen and ink drawings of draft horses on either side of the watercolour painting.

On the opposite short wall I hung the two display panels and filled them with miniature abstract paintings.
Between the two panels I hung two mid-sized abstracts.
In the centre of the last wall I placed an acrylic landscape and flanked it wit smaller acrylic landscapes.
To the left side I hung a watercolour painting of a horse.
To the right side I put a conte portrait and a landscape watercolour.
Next, I brought over two of the plinths and placed each of them beneath the centre paintings on the short walls.
On the one plinth I put one of my leather carvings on an easel and on the other I put my rack with shrink wrapped artwork and the small bios and show lists.
I set up my table in below the large acrylic landscape and I placed an acrylic painting on an easel at the back of the table and put out the two books of ACEO to the front.
From there I went to the opposite end of the Gallery and in the smaller section of the long wall I hung five of my larger abstract paintings, which completed that space.
Now it was time to hang some of the remaining paintings onto the grids. I started with the set at the back of the Gallery.
I started with the panel facing the far side long wall and since I didn't want the paintings too close to the floor I put the three rubber ducky paintings on that panel.
On the other side of the grid I put the two small sailboat paintings side by side at the top, followed by two early morning landscapes with pinks and blues in the skies.
Going to the other set of grids I started by putting two floral paintings and still life on the panel facing the other grids at the opposite end of the Gallery.
On the final panel I hung three winter landscape paintings.

My last painting was hung by the desk on the wall on the opposite side of the stairs going down into the studio.
My next step was to put all the labels on the wall or on the grids by the paintings.
Lastly, I cleaned the glass on any of the paintings that I may have gotten marks on while taking them in or out of their boxes.
Once I was happy with the way everything looked it was time to remove all the boxes, cartons and containers out to the car.