This small town is north of Listowel, which under ideal conditions this 153 mile (246km), would be a 3-1/2 hour drive away, but it ended up being just under 5 hours.

Once we arrived, we were able to see the backhoe and Ron was pleased and willing to wait until the owner returned from work to make sure there were no problems once it was started.
The sun was just starting to go dawn when the owner arrived and they got it started and went over moving the arm and seeing that everything worked.

Ron, was pleased to deal with an honest man, who represented his machine as it was and stated all the problems that it had (which were minor). After that, it didn't take long for Ron to pay for it, get his bill of sale and with the owner's help, get it loaded onto the trailer.
Now comes the long drive home, but it was well worth spending the day to go and get something he has wanted for a long time. I told him it is his birthday present and he agrees.
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