Monday, April 10, 2017

Evening on the Lake

Today it has been raining most of the morning and just after lunch we had a thunderstorm which knocked the power out. Since nothing that needs electricity to operate is working I thought I would work on this painting that I had started a couple of years ago (see posts on 29 August and 08 December 2015, 08 February and 03 May 2016).

I started working on the sails first using washes of Antwerp blue and French ultramarine blue until I was pleased with the shadows.

Using a darker mix of the blues I added the numbers onto the sail as well as the markings.

I added more Antwerp blue to the mixture and painted the base of the yacht. Darkening some areas as needed to give it shape.

To the blue mix I added burnt sienna and alizarin crimson and added the wind indicators to the top of the mast.

Lightening and darkening the mixture as needed I added the numbers on the hull, the shadows in the window and doorway of the cabin and painted the motor onto the stern.

Lastly, I painted in the people using various mixtures of burnt sienna, raw sienna, alizarin crimson and Antwerp blue.

This original 5-1/2" x 7-1/2" watercolour painting when framed will be available for $145.00.

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