Sunday, June 12, 2016

Trees 1-4

Today I thought I would like to do a number of small drawings of trees in various landscapes.

For the first one I thought I would like to have the main tree being a tall pine which I placed to the left side.

Next I put in a couple of smaller pines on the right side and then to complete the drawing I added a small maple to the left side and a birch tree with the pines on the right side.

Lastly, I put in some grasses and growies into the foregound.

Tree 1

For the second one I thought I would like to do another drawing this one with just pine trees.

I started with a tall pine tree on the left side of the paper whose top went out of the drawing.

On the right side I placed my second tallest tree whose top went almost to the edge of the paper.

To either side of the tallest tree I placed a couple of mid sized trees.

On the furthest right side I placed a smaller tree to balance the drawing.

Tree 2

Lastly to the left of the first midsized tree I placed two smaller trees.

Tree 3

For the third sketch I used a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees in various heights.

I left space in the foreground to add grasses and growies as well as a few shadows from the trees going across the snow.

Tree 4

For the last sketch I thought I would like to do mixed trees again and place them as though they were on a fence line dividing a farmer's fields.

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