Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cool Morning - A Work in Progress

Last month we had a class with Wayne Moore on painting windswept trees in acrylic.

We put the sky in using Cerulean blue and lighted the colour with water as we went lower into the sky.

The water was a darker Cerulean blue and toward the bottom of the painting a small amount of alizarin crimson was added to the blue to give a little warmth to the water.

Using a pencil the rocks, grasses and main tree trunks were lightly sketched onto the canvas.

With Cerulean blue, some French ultramarine blue and a little alizarin crimson the trunks, growies, branches and some of the needles were painted.

With the darker colour a touch of white was added and the background trees were painted in using vertical strokes along the horizon line.

Using the dark mixture and adding a little more French ultramarine blue to darken it a little more the background water and some of the shadows below the rocks were added.

It was suggested that I continue with the painting but make it into a winter scene rather than add a lot of bright greens to the trees, and perhaps add some snow onto the rocks.

Before making a decision about what I would do with the painting I added some definition onto the one dead and broken tree trunk on the right side of the painting.

I will post this painting once I have finished the rocks and added a little more detail into the water.

Thank you for coming to look at my artwork and I hope you will return often.

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