Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hanging the Peterborough Garden Show

Today was a beautiful, mild and sunny day with the temperatures reaching 53F (11.7C) which is wonderful although by the weekend we are to get more snow.

It has been over three weeks now and still no sign of Junkyard; I can only hope that he is safe and has found a new home.

I started the day by going to KAGS to help load the grids, lights and tables that were to go to the Evinrude Centre for the Peterborough Garden Show.

Once there, the panels were quickly unloaded and two of us went to work setting them up. In the meantime others on the committee were doing the take in of paintings for the show.

When we finished the grids, we hung the cloth panels and finally the lights were added and turned on; we were ready to start hanging the fifty one paintings that were entered for the show.

We first set up the center panels with the larger paintings and from there tried to give each artist a grid for their artwork to keep it all together.

We put the tags with the paintings and had everything set up by 1:30. It was a lovely display of floral artwork.

I returned at 5:00pm to do my sitting for the art show and while there decided to work on this drawing of African Violets in a basket. This original graphite pencil drawing when framed will be available for $65.00.

I hope you will be able to come out and enjoy the Peterborough Garden Show and visit our art show during the weekend.

The hours for the show are:
02 Apr 15 - 5:00-9:00pm
03 Apr 15 - 10:00am - 5:00pm
04 Apr 15 - 10:00am - 4:00pm

African Violet Sketch

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