Monday, August 18, 2014

Snow Man 1 and Snow Lady and Child 1 - Two Works in Progress

Once the drawings were transferred onto the watercolour paper it was time to paint the background.

To keep the backgrounds of these paintings similar I worked on both pieces at the same time.

I started with the sky using a mixture of French ultramarine blue and cobalt blue, being careful not to get any paint on the snow people.

Next the snow was the put in using the sky colour and a small amount of alizarin crimson was added so the white snow people would stand out from the background.

Snow Lady and Child 1

Raw sienna was added to the snow colour to get a greyed green which was used to add trees onto the top of the hill.

Now it was time to start work on the snow people.

Using the tree colour I added more blue and burnt sienna for a nice, rich black and painted the top hat, leaving the hatband and lining to be painted with pure cadmium red.

A mix of Antwerp blue and raw sienna was used for the scarf.

Snow Man 1

I ran out of time before I could finish the scarf, but I will post each of these paintings at a later date once more work is completed on each of them.

I would like to thank returning collector Mr. Derrick Ryan of Hastings, Ontario on his purchase of Ruffled Grouse (see post on 29 June 2014).

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and look at the artwork.

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