Thursday, March 25, 2010

ACEO - Autumn Colours 1-3

I wanted to work on autumn colours today, but just couldn't get myself in the mood to work on a large piece.

Instead, I decided to work on smaller pieces and ACEO are an ideal way to put the idea down onto  paper and to complete a painting in a fairly short time.

These could be developed into full sized paintings.

Autumn Colours 2

I worked on all three paintings at the same time, putting the sky colour in first and by the time I had finished the sky on the third one, the paper was dry enough to let me go back and start to paint the background on the first one.

Once the background had been painted I worked from the back forward.

I added the furthest back tree trunks on each one, and gradually created larger, more detailed tree trunks as I came closer to the foreground.

By now the paper was almost dry and working in dry brush I painted the trunks and branches of the closest trees.

Autumn Colours 3

I can see the potential to do a large painting of an autumn woodland at a later date.

The ACEO shown here are all original watercolour paintings using Artist quality Winsor & Newton paint on 300lb. Arches 100% rag, acid free watercolour paper.

They are priced at $20.00 each and sold unframed.

If you would like more information about ACEO please go to my post on 11 March 2010.

Autumn Colours 1

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