We went to the boat launch at Catchacoma Narrows and although there was a group of six canoes getting ready to go camping for the week, they made room for us to quickly launch our canoe and head down to the lower end of Catchacoma Lake.
From there we entered to top end of Mississauga Lake through Rattys River and realized that we didn't want to explore the top end of the same lake we were at last week and turned back to go through the other branch of the Narrows and go into Gold Lake.
Once we made it into Gold Lake, we decided to have lunch first before we started fishing or sketching.
Gold Lake
Gold Lake, like Mississauga Lake has a maximum depth of 130' (39.6m), but its average depth is 82' (25m). it has Lake Trout, Large and Small Mouth Bass, Rock Bass, Sunfish and Perch.
It wasn't long before Ron was getting ready to fish and I was sketching the shore which jutted out into the lake from the inlet where we were.
Unfortunately for Ron, he wasn't having much luck catching fish here, so we slowly headed back toward the boat launch. On the way back we passed the group of campers heading out toward Gold Lake and we waved and wished them a wonderful trip.
Catchacoma Narrows
Once we returned to the boat launch there were three other boats lined up to get out of the lake so, rather than wait in line we continued up the Catchacoma Narrows to Catchacoma Lake.
When we reached Catchacoma Lake Ron continued to try and catch a fish in this lake which also has Lake Trout, Large and Small Mouth Bass, Rock Bass, Sunfish and Perch.
Like the other lakes in the area it is a deep lake having a depth of 144' (44m) with the average depth being 66' (20m) and like the other lakes, Ron wasn't able to catch a fish.
By the time we returned to the boat launch we were able to get the canoe out of the water and onto the trailer without having to wait.